Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lost: Episode 8: Recon

This was a good episode, right after the episode, I didn't think I liked it very much, it just rubbed me the wrong way, i liked parts but not the episode as a whole.

This episode was all about conning people and discovering the truth. For me everything that is said by MIB and Widmore needs to be taken with a grain of salt, we never know if they can be taken seriously, if what they say is the truth, a lie, or have a little bit of both.

If they are indeed the two who are going to war then i say go at it...I don't care, we have often said that we want to know whose side we are supposed to be on, and in this case, we are on no one's side.

For me, I am invested in the characters, and if those two can go at it and kill each other then all is good. However if any of our losties really get involved, then I will be worried. And that I believe is what Sawyer's goal is with this episode.

He con's both sides to get them at each other, making each side believe they are the upper hand, but Sawyer isn't on either of their sides, he is on his own side, and protecting his people.

Its interesting that i say his people. I say this because his character arc I now believe has been from the loner to the leader. Can we have two leaders in the group like Jack and Sawyer, I think yes. After all, we need someone to stay on the island and protect it and someone to leave, or at least thats what I believe. i don't know who will be who, Ive flip flopped the entire season as this theory has developed in my mind.

In the screen caps of the substitute it said that Sawyer joined the side of Locke, it also said the same thing about Kate being a recruit of anti Locke.

I now disagree about both.

Kate is not on Anti-Locke's side because she was just following along, she didn't know who anti locke was nor what he stood for. She is still following blindly at this point, but is very wary of anti Locke and doesn't trust him at it was noted in the podcast...he refused his hand, she has not touched him at all.

Sawyer on the other hand, when i first saw the Substitute I agreed that he was a recruit of anti locke, but now, i believe he is not. He has just been using his skills of a con man and liar to stay out of the fray and to use people to his own and the losties advantage. He just want off this island, after all hes been there for 3 years....I think you would want off the island too after three years of no internet!! lol.

But seriously Sawyer may be back to his old self somewhat, but he has also integrated both his 1970's side and his old self into this new person, who is doing things that may be questionable, but for good reasons. He has changed a lot, it was though difficult to see the changes in this episode because it seemed like he had just reverted to his post crash self, that he had no character growth, but as I said, I now disagree with myself. All of the characters in this episode had some very interesting character growth.

Locke and his screwed up mother....seriously he holds on to this for thousands of years possibly...grow up already. ok ok, I believe he was lying when he told Kate about his mother, but he did use this story to explain the Claire situation to Kate, and now I think she is worried even more about Claire and about Aaron, I hope we see more of this, and i really hope we get some conclusion to this story line and see Aaron again and hope we find out how he is special....and PLEASE DO NOT HAVE HIM BE ANTI LOCKE...that would to me be horrible. mainly because it would be very predictable of a story line.

I do think however that Anti Locke and Jacob have to be gods or Demi Gods as some of you are suggesting.

As for Anthony Cooper here is what I believe is true in the x time line.

Anthony Cooper did Con James's Parents
He is John Lockes father.
Somewhere along the line, he changed, and is lying to John Locke about his past.
He may or may not have had a kidney transplant...could go either way.
he deffinitly did NOT push John Locke out of the window....after all would you still be nice to your parent if they threw you out of the window? I wouldn't.

So over all, a great solid episode, with lots of great dialouge, plenty of Sawyer half naked, and some interesting plot movement.

Not as good ad Dr. Linus though. That so far is our highest point in season, but this one is a really solid, good episode that was now i think really enjoyable.

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