Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lost Season 5 Episode 6: 316

As we soon found out this episodes title revolved around name of the flight that the Oceanic 5ish would go on. Which then got me to thinking would that mean the pilot episode could be renamed 815?

You've got to love it when the writers take us back to the very beginning. We started with Jacks Eye, and we come to it again with this episode.

Overall it was a great episode with some great moments between characters, even if it was just eye contact like it was between Sayid and Jack.

However this episode also brought up alot more questions for me?

Number one on my list: Where/what happend to Aaron?

I got to thinking on this one and I came up with a few options.

a. he is with Kate's mother

b. he is with Cassidy

c. he is with Desmond and Penny, because Kate knows she can trust them.

d. someone with a more sinister plan took Aaron away from her.

Kate just looked so depressed and with out hope in that scene, that something tells me its more like a D. Which by the way Props to Evangaline in that scene. She did great.

Ben said you all have to go why isn't Aaron included in that? But Frank Lapidus, and John's dead body is. Which after this weeks preview I have a strong suspicion that John will be reincarnated, or his body will be reanimated like Jack's father's was.

Speaking of Jack it was nice to see his grandfather, though why have that scene in the first place....Is he important to everything? He might be, but he also might not, you never know.

As for suspicious characters two people were on 316 that we met briefly, so you have to know that they are important.

The man with unknown background
and the woman escorting Sayid in handcuffs. I know I saw her in the preview.

That brings up another question. Why is Sayid in police custoday?

there has been a lot of talk about proxys. if John is Christian's proxy, then is Sayid Kate's proxy. Which then got someone to thinking on a after the show pod cast i was Kate Claire's proxy? Is she pregnant? I dont know, but it will be very cool to find out.

Also after seeing the previews for next week episode it got me to thinking even more. Did John really kill himself? Maybe he was forced to kill himself as there was no other option. In the preview we saw someone kneeling in front of him, and im pretty sure it was Ben.

This episode we also got a lot of christian refrences. We know our doubting thomas is Jack. So maybe our Jesus is John? Then who is Ben? John the Baptist?? lol I really dont know on that one. But I do think John will be resurected like Jesus was.

Another question: Why would Sun just leave Ji Yeon behind in Korea. Sure she's with her grandmother. But she's her daughter. I for one would take her with me. But maybe she didnt have enough time.

We also had an encounter between Hawking and Desmond. Part of me wanted Des to slap her for what he put him through. Then she said he had to go back too, that the island wasn't done with him yet.

And while i want Desmond and Penny to have a happy ending, I don't think its going to be that easy. Maybe even Penny and little Charlie will go to the island as well. That could be very very interesting to watch.

The end of the episode gave us one of our greatest moments when Jack, Kate, and Hurely meet a dharma clad Jin.

During the episode I kept flashing back to the scene where the left behinders found the Ajira airways water bottle. So I was thinking that that scene was set in the future and the Oceanic 6 were being shot at by the left behinders and vice versa, because they didnt recognize each other from such a distance.

But after this episode, that theory got blown away in a few minutes, as the oceanic 5 met up with Jin in the past. So how to get to the present?

Where are the rest of the people?

What happend to John after he fixed the Wheel?

Where is everyone now, and when are they?

This episode answered alot of questions but it also gave us so many more. We will just have to wait and see untill next week.

As the week goes on I will post ideas, theories, and anything I come across that I find interesting and give my perspective on. I hope you enjoy.

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