Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rewatch Season 3 episodes 3-6

A fairly good week this week, starting with further instructions we see a very similar opening to the series premier but instead of vincent we get Locke seeing a naked Desmond...sigh...

as well there is a great one sided conversation between Charlie and Locke that goes from very funny to very weird. We next get Boone, my favorite male character on the show. He looks hot for a dead guy – however the question pops up is he a manifestation of Jacob, or not Jacob, smoky or another manifestation of the island – dream sequence/message from the island = whichever one it is it is one of the best scenes ever.

Locke says Bad things happen to the people who hang around me – that’s an understatement

This episode also brings the start of Desmond's flashes, but also unfortunatly the beginning of Nikki and Paulo.

The next Episode is: Every Man for Himself, which is a very entertaining episode, I love the surgery scene between jack and Juliet, it shows their connection, and that at the basic part of themselves they are both doctors. A good solid episode, builds a lot of character bonding and growth.

However it too brings up some questions, Juliet says she isn’t used to death – but she has actually seen a lot of death on the island.

This episode advances characters but not the plot or story line that much, making it fairly uneven as an episode all together, though we do get to see the mainfestations of Desmonds new powers, and our discovery that there are actually two islands

Both Ben and Sawyer love to read and quote books, but for very different reasons

So does this episode matter that much to the ongoing story line, Does it matter much looking with season 5 eyes? I’m not sure, so I’m open for debate.

The next episode is Episode 5: The Cost of Living with another great Jack vs. Ben scene, and then we get the question of Why did the Island decide to kill Eko now, when it had plenty of chance before hand?

This Eko flashback is not as interesting a flashback as Eko’s other’s – really do not like it, it only shows him as an angry, vengeful man, and does not show his good side like his other flashes showed, I don’t think Eko ever got his redemption

I do love the interplay between jack and Juliet over lunch, it shows the characters coming to more of a natural relationship – the surgery really brings them together in the previous episode.
The truth as to why they are there is finally revealed

Love the video scene with Juliet, its so conflicting from what shes saying to what shes really saying.

Who would beat whom in a fight: Eko or Martin Keamy?

Who is Yemi in this scene: the smoke monster, Jacob or Not Jacob?

Next up: I Do


I actually do love this flashback, it really shows that Kate tried to have a normal life even though she was on the run, and that she was happy for a while – something we don’t see much in her flashbacks,Very emotional well played scene between jack and kate separated by only a pane of glass. Hot cage sex, young ones avert your eyes…sawyer naked!!!

I like Sawyer and Kate together at this moment, but in the long run they do not belong together. Because lets face it, sawyer belongs with Juliet, he just doesn’t know it yet. And jack at this point has way too many issues going on in his brain to deal with.

“Taco Night…I don’t do Taco Night” – great line

Why did Ben get a tumor?

I hated this cliffie when it first happened. – now I don’t mind it that much, since its only a block break

I know most males do not like this episode because it is about Kate. But this is a very solid, and good episode with lots of good flashback and on island material, there isnt a single weak point in this episode as far as Im concered, dont agree with me, feel free to comment.

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