Sunday, November 15, 2009


I was reading the paper the other day when I cam upon an article on Baby Names, and in the top 10 consistently for the past few years has been Jacob, and this year it is the top male baby name.

Now baby names are on odd thing they come and go in fashion and there are always the names that seem ti stick around no matter what like mike, mary, frank, and kate. those names have been around and stuck around for a long time. names like Emma, Violet, and Cooper come and go.

Names sometimes come up in TV shows like Emma did in Friends and suddenly they pop up in a sudden burst in popularity. So i got to thinking reading this article that maybe Lost contributed to the name population with the introduction of the name Jacob.

Now Jacob is a fairly popular name throughout the ages, its a biblical name so its been around a very long time. there is nothing special about the name, nothing unusual, though i do know it can also be a last name as well, I had a friend whose last name was Jacobs.

This isnt so unusual as my own name can be both a boys and a girls name oddly enough....yes i do know a guy Lindsey.

But the question remains did Lost influence our culture in Baby Names? We know that it has influenced the style of television around and the Oceanic symbol has popped up in other shows such as Flash Forward, and it is rumoured that the upcoming plane crash on Wysteria Lane on Desperate Housewives will be a Oceanic plane.

According to the US Government Jacob has been the top baby name since 1999, so maybe we can say that Lost has started this trend, but they possibly added on to this trend. The more a name pops up the more it becomes embedded in someones mind.

So has Lost influenced baby names: specifically when it comes to Jacob? Perhaps not dirrectly but it has kept the name in the national conciesness.

Have any comments, please post them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where would we be without Lost?

Where would we be without Lost?

today is Lost's fifth Birthday?

more importantly where would I be with out lost? I don't even remember where I was when it first premiered because I didn't watch it until into the middle of the second season.

If there was no Lost, I would not be podcasting, would not be blogging about Lost, and would not own every season of Lost that there is so far.

I would not be halfway in love with Sawyer....shirtless coming out of the ocean...but onto other things.

Without Lost many of us would not have met other Lost fans, would not have known the Genius that is JJ Abrams, Lindeloff and Cuse.

We have discovered so many actors and writers in this show, but we have also discovered many different pieces of mythology. after all how many of you have known the Goddess Tarawet with out this show?

Or other Egyptian mythology for that matter?

Lost is not only a TV Show, it also redefined what TV was, with out Lost we would not have shows like Fringe, Flash Forward, or even the concept of a show where you have to pay attention to the narative, that is interactive.

With out Lost, alot of lives would be different, that is why Lost matters.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rewatch Season 3 episodes 3-6

A fairly good week this week, starting with further instructions we see a very similar opening to the series premier but instead of vincent we get Locke seeing a naked Desmond...sigh...

as well there is a great one sided conversation between Charlie and Locke that goes from very funny to very weird. We next get Boone, my favorite male character on the show. He looks hot for a dead guy – however the question pops up is he a manifestation of Jacob, or not Jacob, smoky or another manifestation of the island – dream sequence/message from the island = whichever one it is it is one of the best scenes ever.

Locke says Bad things happen to the people who hang around me – that’s an understatement

This episode also brings the start of Desmond's flashes, but also unfortunatly the beginning of Nikki and Paulo.

The next Episode is: Every Man for Himself, which is a very entertaining episode, I love the surgery scene between jack and Juliet, it shows their connection, and that at the basic part of themselves they are both doctors. A good solid episode, builds a lot of character bonding and growth.

However it too brings up some questions, Juliet says she isn’t used to death – but she has actually seen a lot of death on the island.

This episode advances characters but not the plot or story line that much, making it fairly uneven as an episode all together, though we do get to see the mainfestations of Desmonds new powers, and our discovery that there are actually two islands

Both Ben and Sawyer love to read and quote books, but for very different reasons

So does this episode matter that much to the ongoing story line, Does it matter much looking with season 5 eyes? I’m not sure, so I’m open for debate.

The next episode is Episode 5: The Cost of Living with another great Jack vs. Ben scene, and then we get the question of Why did the Island decide to kill Eko now, when it had plenty of chance before hand?

This Eko flashback is not as interesting a flashback as Eko’s other’s – really do not like it, it only shows him as an angry, vengeful man, and does not show his good side like his other flashes showed, I don’t think Eko ever got his redemption

I do love the interplay between jack and Juliet over lunch, it shows the characters coming to more of a natural relationship – the surgery really brings them together in the previous episode.
The truth as to why they are there is finally revealed

Love the video scene with Juliet, its so conflicting from what shes saying to what shes really saying.

Who would beat whom in a fight: Eko or Martin Keamy?

Who is Yemi in this scene: the smoke monster, Jacob or Not Jacob?

Next up: I Do


I actually do love this flashback, it really shows that Kate tried to have a normal life even though she was on the run, and that she was happy for a while – something we don’t see much in her flashbacks,Very emotional well played scene between jack and kate separated by only a pane of glass. Hot cage sex, young ones avert your eyes…sawyer naked!!!

I like Sawyer and Kate together at this moment, but in the long run they do not belong together. Because lets face it, sawyer belongs with Juliet, he just doesn’t know it yet. And jack at this point has way too many issues going on in his brain to deal with.

“Taco Night…I don’t do Taco Night” – great line

Why did Ben get a tumor?

I hated this cliffie when it first happened. – now I don’t mind it that much, since its only a block break

I know most males do not like this episode because it is about Kate. But this is a very solid, and good episode with lots of good flashback and on island material, there isnt a single weak point in this episode as far as Im concered, dont agree with me, feel free to comment.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lost Rewatch Season 2: Episode 23 Season 3 Episodes 1-2

Ok, so I havnt posted in a few months, I am obviously not the best blogger in the world.

But it is rewatch time and so I am going to try and get back into it.

I have always rewatched Lost during the hiatus, but this time I'm actually analyzing it.

Before I found almost every episode entertaining and fun to watch, but rewatching an episode for analyzing is much different.

In this block I was able to find alot of things that got me excited, things that we see for the first time, or character introductions gone very odd. For example Season 5 brought about a new favorite pairing with Sawyer and Juliet, but when they first met in season 3 Juliet taysered him...oh how far a relationship can come.

The first three episodes in this block were excelent, but the more i think about it the last one: the Glass Balerina, while entertaining, is what I view as the start of the bad episodes of Lost.

It is well known in the Lost community that Season 3 was not as strong as other seaons untill later, and if we are to go with this assumption, then it would have started with the second episode of seaon 3.

There are just so many things that dont matter in this episode any more, and I kept wondering why this flashback? why a jin and sun flashback does that flashback really contribute much to their characters, or their history, maybe a little, but not in that signifcant way that a flashback usually should.

Perhaps this can be answered in tonights podcast, but I still believe this episode is not as strong, you have a better argument, feel free to prove me wrong.

I will be podcasting tonight at the Lost Rewatch Podcast on Talk Shoe.

Till Next time, which will hopefully will be less of a time stretch then the last time I updated.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whatever Happened Happened

Usually the Lost writers dont do so well on Kate centric episodes, my theroy on this is because they are mainly all male. This episode however was fantastic.

We got answers from Kate, and one of the mystery's that has been haunting me for most of the season, where is Aaron, has finally been answered, of course we still dont know why he is important, or how...but I have a feeling that this will come around some time next season.

Kate was well written in this episode, every moment with her was emotional, most people in the lost community dont like kate centric episodes, but i felt this one was pitch perfect.

We also got an answer as to why Kate who never wanted to go back went back to the find Claire, which I believe is a great reason....she feels its her responsibility, as well as the fact that nearly every other character seems to have forgotten about Claire, including Jack her half brother.

Another great moment in this episode was the debate between Hurley and Miles...Hurley asks the question that all of us are asking. If all of this has happend before, why didn't Ben remember all of it? The answer comes at the end of the episode from the mysterious Richard, who says by healing ben it will change him...what that means we dont know....but my best guess is that To heal ben, Richard has to infuse him with part of the smoke monster, or the essence of the island, which will make ben a part of the island, heal him, but essentially change him from the sweet innocent kid to the manipulating, conniving older Ben that we have known for so long.

We finally flash to the see Older ben and Locke, we havnt been in the present for a long time now, and i was beginning to wonder when we would, so it was nice of the writers to pick up on my brain waves.

The preview for tonight looks awesome, and i absolutly can not wait to see it. The writers and producers are on their game and I hope there will be no more medicore episodes this season.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lost: Hes Our You Review

This week I decided was the week to have a love/hate relationship for Ben. First you hate older Ben, and then you feel really sorry for younger Ben....but then again at times young Ben got a little creepy.

This episode was a bit more old school as some people might say...with more traditional flashbacks to flesh out what happend to Sayid when he was working for Ben and afterwards.

At first I liked this episode, but after a few days I have found its just an ok episode....with a hell of an ending. I never thought that we would see anyone try and kill young Ben...even if he does turn into an evil dude eventually.

There were a few good moments....Hurley working in the kitchen.

Seeing Sayid caring for Ben when his father is being abusive to him.....that didnt last long.

Burning Dharma Van! thats all i can say.

Another good moment was when Oldham tying Sayid to a tree, and giving him a hallucinagen, to get him to tell the truth. He does, and no one believes him, which hey its time travel, I probably wouldnt believe that.

And of course the End of the episode, when it looks like Sayid and Ben are going to make their escape from the Dharma, Sayid all of a sudden decides to kill young Ben...because as the older Ben had told him...he was a killer.

Sayid has always been a favorite character of mine, with many dementions, but this episode he seemed very one dementional at points.

This episode just seemed lax...and didnt really blow our mind untill the end. It seems that was all this episode was working up to, and it didnt do a great job with it.

As with all Lost episodes, it is almost always better then other episodes of other shows, I just believe that the writers fell short of their goal in this episode, but the actors did a good job with what they had.

Especially loved Naveen Andrews performance while he was under the halucinigens.

Untill next week all.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lost: The Last Few Episodes

I must be the worst updater...but anyway.

The Last two episodes have been awesome. We are getting into both the mythos, Dharma, and getting to what our Losties are doing.

While there is no more flashbacks or flashforwards, we still have some centricty, which helps some viewers. But after having been a fan of this show for so long, I am used to how it moves and flows. And the last two episodes have had great flow.

Dharma has been a big mystery to us, and many thought we would see it in more flashbacks, but I'm glad that the writers and producers have surprised us with the time travel aspect to actually let us live in the Dharma years.

The one downside to Lost is that there may be too many characters...I was missing Locke in the last episode. But you know that if someone isnt highly in one episode, they will surely be in the next.

Before we learned of who Amys baby might be I swore it was Tom. After all...he said he had father issues....and Horace did drink...but Alas, Ausiello said it was not Tom. It was Between: Ethan, Desmond, Jacob, and someone else who I cant remember now. Automatically, I figured it out that it would be Ethan, and it turns out I was right. No wonder he knew the Island so well, and could come and go with out being seen.

I really hope we see more of Amy, shes a great character, and I have sense she could be very important to this show.

Something else Ive loved seeing the past two episodes is the Juliet Sawyer stuff, they seem very at home with each other, and mesh very well. They make a great couple. So I am now a Suliet, and a Jater. I dont think Jack and Juliet belong together. Neither do Kate and Sawyer. Juliet, and Sawyer just work, as do Kate and Jack...sometimes.

Another great thing we saw this episode was another view of the 315ers crash...and we saw that Frank is the best pilot ever born. Next time I fly, I want him as my pilot.

So far he has landed a helicopter on the island during a freak storm with out a scratch, and landed a plane and a runway on the secondary island with many people surviving. Which we finally find out that it was a Runway they were building in Season did the Others know what was going to happen, or were trying to come up with another way to land on the Island perhaps? Perhaps both...we dont know yet.

It should be interesting to see how the 3 seperate groups handle things, and how Sun and Frank meet up with the 1970's Losties. While some dont want to see the survival stories again, it might be interesting to see a whole nother group in those situations....especially since Locke is with them as well as Ben...who I know believe is wholy evil.

By the way...Go Sun knocking him out. She is the most changed character through out the seasons.

As always Lost leaves me wanting more, but that is what it is all about...its a show that hooks us into a great story line, something not alot of shows do these days.

On a side note, the shows that do do that like Kyle XY, and Pushing Daisies were cancelled by ABC, and ABC Family.

I wonder if Lost had premiered now, if they would keep it?

Untill next time.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Episode 7: The Life and Death of Jeremy Benthem

The episode that we have been waiting for since we found out Locke was in the coffin. And the first person we see in the episode is a new character: Ceaser

We dont know much about him except he has assumed a semi leadership status among the new crashers or 316ers, and he likes to hide guns. A mysterious character, we dont know much about him...of course. But something tells me he holds some importance.

We also find out in this first scene that the pilot and some woman took an outrigger that was already on the Hydra or "Alcatraz" Island that the 316'ers crashed on...or did they successfully land?

So the Pilot was Frank...and I'm guessing the other woman is Sun...since we have no idea where she is.

It was also pointed out in some theory's that i have read that the map that ceaser found in the station in the first scene was Daniel's map. Which further proves my theory that the losties get sent back in time live there for a while among the dharma while just trying to survive. From the preview of next weeks episode, I think were going to find out for sure.

Next we see Abbadon, and then Charles Widmore. And I dont know, but now i think hes the good guy.

We find out that Locke was transported three years into the future, that Widmore has been watching the Tunsinia site that Locke and Ben both exited out of the Island, and that Ben tricked him into being exiled as well. He sounded so sincere. And after all Ben has done...I'm tending to lean over to Widmore's side.

His explanation for the freighter people: "I needed to extract Ben Linus." He just hired the wrong people to do it. Cause seriously I dont think he would have had them kill Alex. He has his own daughter after all.

Onto Penny. Some have been doing the math on this one and think that she is the daughter of Chrales and someone else that we dont know yet and was born on Island. Now imagine if that person was Juliet? Maybe, but probably not. Or maybe shes the daughter of Widmore and Eloise Hawking which would make her Daniel Faraday's Half or maybe even full sister??? Oh the implications. We will have to wait and find out.

We also see Matthew Abbadon..someone who has been in an almost haunting state on this show so far. He works for Widmore and he "gets people where they belong." I began to like him even more, because this meant that he was special...and I begin to much else has he influenced the characters??? But alas....Ben kills him!!! Evil ben...another reason why I want someone to kill that dude. Or beat him up at least. Now I do love the actor, Michael Emerson is fabulous...and deserves an Emmy, plus hes from where I live, so thats always a plus.

Locke visits Sayid who is building homes...yeah for him!! doing some good in this world after what Ben has put him through. He seems happy doing it. Until Locke comes around gives him his shpeel. Which begs me to wonder.

Why did Sayid come back to the U.S? Why did he break Hurley out? Or how did he know he needed to?

Locke then goes to visit Walt!! Finally we see him again...Though I seriously hope we see more of him in the future. Walt tells Locke that hes having dreams about him. more signs that he is special. So where is he going to pop up next.

Kate's visit goes normally, but I was kinda hopping we would see Locke with Aaron.

Next he goes to visit his old girlfriends grave, abbadon gets killed by ben, Locke gets in a car accident and winds up in Jacks hospital realizing that Christian is Jacks father.

Locke being depressed tries to kill himself, but Ben stops him, just to kill Locke himself when Locke mentiones Eloise Hawking and goes all bug eyed. So what does this mean? Did Ben usurp Locke to Eloise? Is Eloise only helping Ben for a reason?

We then get back to the Island, and we end with Locke finding Ben who had been hurt in the 316 crash...dead, alive? Im guessing alive...they wouldnt kill him off so easily.

So at the end of this episode what do I think:

Lost is awesome...but we already knew that.

Theory: Dead people who come to the Island are resurrected, or become alive again, weve seen it with Christian, and weve seen it with Locke. So maybe Jacob is the same way?

All in all a great episode, kept us on our toes, and left us wanting for more. Best of all written by team Darlton. Every episode written by them is a gem. Why cant they write everyone...well they do have a show to run.

Till Next time. keep reading and watching Lost

Friday, February 20, 2009

Theory regarding cast photos

New theory: In the full cast photo with everyone in it, except Jin, most people are wearing dark colors. Only 3 people are wearing bright blue that stand out.

John Locke, Charlotte, and Daniel Faraday.

We already know that Charlotte has died, as has John Locke.

So I think that this is a clue, Daniel Faraday is going to die.

Good thing, bad thing?

Theory way out there?

Let me know.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lost Season 5 Episode 6: 316

As we soon found out this episodes title revolved around name of the flight that the Oceanic 5ish would go on. Which then got me to thinking would that mean the pilot episode could be renamed 815?

You've got to love it when the writers take us back to the very beginning. We started with Jacks Eye, and we come to it again with this episode.

Overall it was a great episode with some great moments between characters, even if it was just eye contact like it was between Sayid and Jack.

However this episode also brought up alot more questions for me?

Number one on my list: Where/what happend to Aaron?

I got to thinking on this one and I came up with a few options.

a. he is with Kate's mother

b. he is with Cassidy

c. he is with Desmond and Penny, because Kate knows she can trust them.

d. someone with a more sinister plan took Aaron away from her.

Kate just looked so depressed and with out hope in that scene, that something tells me its more like a D. Which by the way Props to Evangaline in that scene. She did great.

Ben said you all have to go why isn't Aaron included in that? But Frank Lapidus, and John's dead body is. Which after this weeks preview I have a strong suspicion that John will be reincarnated, or his body will be reanimated like Jack's father's was.

Speaking of Jack it was nice to see his grandfather, though why have that scene in the first place....Is he important to everything? He might be, but he also might not, you never know.

As for suspicious characters two people were on 316 that we met briefly, so you have to know that they are important.

The man with unknown background
and the woman escorting Sayid in handcuffs. I know I saw her in the preview.

That brings up another question. Why is Sayid in police custoday?

there has been a lot of talk about proxys. if John is Christian's proxy, then is Sayid Kate's proxy. Which then got someone to thinking on a after the show pod cast i was Kate Claire's proxy? Is she pregnant? I dont know, but it will be very cool to find out.

Also after seeing the previews for next week episode it got me to thinking even more. Did John really kill himself? Maybe he was forced to kill himself as there was no other option. In the preview we saw someone kneeling in front of him, and im pretty sure it was Ben.

This episode we also got a lot of christian refrences. We know our doubting thomas is Jack. So maybe our Jesus is John? Then who is Ben? John the Baptist?? lol I really dont know on that one. But I do think John will be resurected like Jesus was.

Another question: Why would Sun just leave Ji Yeon behind in Korea. Sure she's with her grandmother. But she's her daughter. I for one would take her with me. But maybe she didnt have enough time.

We also had an encounter between Hawking and Desmond. Part of me wanted Des to slap her for what he put him through. Then she said he had to go back too, that the island wasn't done with him yet.

And while i want Desmond and Penny to have a happy ending, I don't think its going to be that easy. Maybe even Penny and little Charlie will go to the island as well. That could be very very interesting to watch.

The end of the episode gave us one of our greatest moments when Jack, Kate, and Hurely meet a dharma clad Jin.

During the episode I kept flashing back to the scene where the left behinders found the Ajira airways water bottle. So I was thinking that that scene was set in the future and the Oceanic 6 were being shot at by the left behinders and vice versa, because they didnt recognize each other from such a distance.

But after this episode, that theory got blown away in a few minutes, as the oceanic 5 met up with Jin in the past. So how to get to the present?

Where are the rest of the people?

What happend to John after he fixed the Wheel?

Where is everyone now, and when are they?

This episode answered alot of questions but it also gave us so many more. We will just have to wait and see untill next week.

As the week goes on I will post ideas, theories, and anything I come across that I find interesting and give my perspective on. I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I am starting a blog today on Lost. Because there are so many things to discuss, I figured it was time to get my voice out there.

In this blog I will review episodes, give my theories, and anything Lost wise that I think of.