Sunday, November 15, 2009


I was reading the paper the other day when I cam upon an article on Baby Names, and in the top 10 consistently for the past few years has been Jacob, and this year it is the top male baby name.

Now baby names are on odd thing they come and go in fashion and there are always the names that seem ti stick around no matter what like mike, mary, frank, and kate. those names have been around and stuck around for a long time. names like Emma, Violet, and Cooper come and go.

Names sometimes come up in TV shows like Emma did in Friends and suddenly they pop up in a sudden burst in popularity. So i got to thinking reading this article that maybe Lost contributed to the name population with the introduction of the name Jacob.

Now Jacob is a fairly popular name throughout the ages, its a biblical name so its been around a very long time. there is nothing special about the name, nothing unusual, though i do know it can also be a last name as well, I had a friend whose last name was Jacobs.

This isnt so unusual as my own name can be both a boys and a girls name oddly enough....yes i do know a guy Lindsey.

But the question remains did Lost influence our culture in Baby Names? We know that it has influenced the style of television around and the Oceanic symbol has popped up in other shows such as Flash Forward, and it is rumoured that the upcoming plane crash on Wysteria Lane on Desperate Housewives will be a Oceanic plane.

According to the US Government Jacob has been the top baby name since 1999, so maybe we can say that Lost has started this trend, but they possibly added on to this trend. The more a name pops up the more it becomes embedded in someones mind.

So has Lost influenced baby names: specifically when it comes to Jacob? Perhaps not dirrectly but it has kept the name in the national conciesness.

Have any comments, please post them.