Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whatever Happened Happened

Usually the Lost writers dont do so well on Kate centric episodes, my theroy on this is because they are mainly all male. This episode however was fantastic.

We got answers from Kate, and one of the mystery's that has been haunting me for most of the season, where is Aaron, has finally been answered, of course we still dont know why he is important, or how...but I have a feeling that this will come around some time next season.

Kate was well written in this episode, every moment with her was emotional, most people in the lost community dont like kate centric episodes, but i felt this one was pitch perfect.

We also got an answer as to why Kate who never wanted to go back went back to the find Claire, which I believe is a great reason....she feels its her responsibility, as well as the fact that nearly every other character seems to have forgotten about Claire, including Jack her half brother.

Another great moment in this episode was the debate between Hurley and Miles...Hurley asks the question that all of us are asking. If all of this has happend before, why didn't Ben remember all of it? The answer comes at the end of the episode from the mysterious Richard, who says by healing ben it will change him...what that means we dont know....but my best guess is that To heal ben, Richard has to infuse him with part of the smoke monster, or the essence of the island, which will make ben a part of the island, heal him, but essentially change him from the sweet innocent kid to the manipulating, conniving older Ben that we have known for so long.

We finally flash to the see Older ben and Locke, we havnt been in the present for a long time now, and i was beginning to wonder when we would, so it was nice of the writers to pick up on my brain waves.

The preview for tonight looks awesome, and i absolutly can not wait to see it. The writers and producers are on their game and I hope there will be no more medicore episodes this season.